A LifeStar program designed specifically for teens with pornography or sexual addictions.
If you have discovered that your teenager has been exposed to pornography or is making habitual unhealthy sexual choices, YouthSTAR offers help and hope. Our program is designed to help young people heal from addictions to pornography, compulsive masturbation, and other compulsive sexual behaviors.
Trained therapists guide adolescents through classes, workbooks, and therapy experiences that are focused on healing sexually addictive behavior and dealing with the underlying causes. We also provide a parent education component, teaching parents how they can best support their teenager throughout the program and the rest of their life.
Step 1: Take the Quiz
The YouthSTAR Quizzes are short assessments designed to evaluate your - or your teen’s - current relationship with sex & pornography, in order to determine if the YouthSTAR approach is right for you.
Complete the self evaluation to discover
if YouthSTAR is right for you.
Complete the survey to discover if YouthSTAR is right for your child.
Step 2: Getting Started Assessment
The Getting Started Assessment allows our staff to evaluate if you - or your teen - are a good candidate for the YouthStar treatment approach. It is also your opportunity to learn more about our program, and ask any questions that you may have.
50 minute Assessment session
Step 3: Recovery Groups
In small gender-specific groups, participants will complete tasks and assignments, and hold one another accountable. These tools and principles lay the groundwork required for lasting recovery. The work in Step 3 focuses on providing a deeper look at denial, the addiction cycle, fantasies and objectification, relapse prevention, and healthy living.
Deeper, and more personal work is done in this phase for all participants. By learning mindfulness tools, building coping skills, through completing exercises and workbooks, participants get to the root of their addiction, become accountable for their actions and sobriety, and form a close-knit support group with the other group members.
1-hour, once per week for 6 months.
The Problem
In the world we live in today, pornography is readily available and young people are exposed to it in record numbers. It is estimated that before age 18, 90% of boys and 60% of girls are exposed to pornography. As we learn more about how pornography affects the brain, it has become evident that pornography acts much like a drug and is highly addictive.